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Friday, October 22, 2010
what did you want to grow up to be when you were in grade school?

what did you want to grow up to be when you were in grade school?

Answer here

posted by Jesii Ne @ 11:16 PM   0 comments
Hi, i'm selling contact lenses . Brand: Freshlook ,Tutti, ICE, & i_like Lifespan: 3months. Price : Freshlook = P750 Tutti = P750 ICE = P750 i_like= P650. :) order ka ? pm me for questions. :)) heheee.

Hi, i'm selling contact lenses . Brand: Freshlook ,Tutti, ICE, & i_like Lifespan: 3months. Price : Freshlook = P750 Tutti = P750 ICE = P750 i_like= P650. :) order ka ? pm me for questions. :)) heheee.

Answer here

posted by Jesii Ne @ 11:11 PM   0 comments
Photobucket THANKYOU so much for visiting my site. :)) If you wished to contact me please visit my sites : http://www.friendster.com/sinceimstupid http://twitter.com/JesiiRabaya http://www.crunchyroll.com/arisa_egami http://www.formspring.me/nenenejesii http://www.plurk.com/nenenejesii.com

Jesii Ne

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    BYE. :) thanks for viewing my BLOG. :) please post your comments in the chatbox. :))
  • About Me

    Name: Jesii Ne
    Home: Philippines
    About Me:

    WHO THE HELL IS JESII? I mess up, i fuck up, i fall up, i trip up, i screw up..i take the hit and I stand straight like I want even touched. The pain is worth it bcoz it makes me realize that I cant juz blink my eyes and have it all go away. Life is real. And I’m messing it up everyday , in every way. People ask me if I have regrets. HELL TO FUCKING NO. bcoz at that taught me a lesson. I’m on this earth for a goddamn reason. Making mistakes doesn’t make me less of a person. It makes me stronger than I already am. We’re alive and we were made to learn from the stupid shit we do. So sit the fuck back and enjoy the fucking show. Life is what I want to be, the power is mine and in my hands to make it what I want. Blink once, think twice. No once can tell me how to live my life. And I refuse to let them take over my wheel.i do not believe in therapy. i am a strong believer of love, karma and fate. everything in life happens for a reason. people are always going to try and bring you down, but you can't let that get in your way. everything i do has to be visually appealing to me..
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