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Friday, March 5, 2010
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge drama. :3

  • Alternative Title: ヤマトナデシコ七変化
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Film Date: January, 2010
  • Japan Casts:
    Hoshino Aki, Kamenashi Kazuya, Tegoshi Yuya, Uchi Hiroki
  • Description:

    Takano Kyohei is a handsome but bad-tempered university student who is always ready for a fight; Toyama Yujinojo possesses a cuteness that can be mistaken for a girl; the cool-headed Oda Takenaga excels in academics and sports; and the princely Mori Ranmaru loves females, accept a proposal from the female owner of the house where they are lodging at for “free lodging if they are able to transform her niece into a proper lady”. Her niece, Nakahara Sunako lives in a gloomy and solitary world because of an inferior complex about her looks.

posted by Jesii Ne @ 11:04 PM   0 comments
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    Name: Jesii Ne
    Home: Philippines
    About Me:

    WHO THE HELL IS JESII? I mess up, i fuck up, i fall up, i trip up, i screw up..i take the hit and I stand straight like I want even touched. The pain is worth it bcoz it makes me realize that I cant juz blink my eyes and have it all go away. Life is real. And I’m messing it up everyday , in every way. People ask me if I have regrets. HELL TO FUCKING NO. bcoz at that taught me a lesson. I’m on this earth for a goddamn reason. Making mistakes doesn’t make me less of a person. It makes me stronger than I already am. We’re alive and we were made to learn from the stupid shit we do. So sit the fuck back and enjoy the fucking show. Life is what I want to be, the power is mine and in my hands to make it what I want. Blink once, think twice. No once can tell me how to live my life. And I refuse to let them take over my wheel.i do not believe in therapy. i am a strong believer of love, karma and fate. everything in life happens for a reason. people are always going to try and bring you down, but you can't let that get in your way. everything i do has to be visually appealing to me..
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